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Carved Daikon Radish Rose

Learn the art of Thai vegetable and fruit carving here at the Temple of Thai, your online source for carving books, DVD's, tools and knives.

Vegetable Carving  
Carved Rose Vase

Appropriate for Valentine's Day, turn these carved vegetable roses into a lavish bouquet of flowers, to surprise the one you love. Learn the carving step by step from our Variety of Flowers fruit carving book on sale in our online fruit carving store.



  1. Cut a 1.5-2 inch long piece from a small long white daikon radish and peel.
  2. Shave the sides slightly to narrow the piece. Cut a thin petal with the knife tip.
  3. Make deep cuts to remove the flesh from under the petal. Shave to narrow the side of the flower to make another petal. Carve out 3-4 petals all around.
  4. Carve out another row of the same pattern of petals between the petals of the outer row. Carve out the petals all around to finish the carving.
  5. Paint the petals with food coloring.
  6. Choose fresh roses. Take away the rose petals and stamen. Insert a pointed stick under the carving, leaving the length of 0.5 inch outside.
Fruit Carving Book

Carving source: A Variety of Flower © 2005 Srisiam Printing Press Co, Ltd. available for sale in our online store for fruit and vegetable carving tools, knives, books and DVD'S.