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Carved Pumpkin Carnation Bouquet

Learn the fine art of Thai fruit and vegetable carving by creating this beautiful pumpkin carnation flower carving. Arrange into a bouquet of flowers and present as a centerpiece for any catering event or party. You may purchase all the necessary tools, knives, books and DVD's in our online store for fruit carving, here at the Temple of Thai.

Carved Pumpkin Carnation Bouquet Instructions

Pumpkin Carving Carnation



A Variety of Flowers, Vegetable & Fruit Carving, Book 1, by Burinpat Choowong, © 2005 Srisiam Printing Press Co, Ltd.; ISBN 974-92414-6-0; 104 glossy pages with full page color photos; Languages: Both Thai and English, imported from Thailand. Available for sale in our online store for fruit and vegetable carving along with many more books, DVD's, knives and tools for garnishing.