(16oz) Fresh Kaffir Lime Leaf, Temple of Thai, 1.0 lbs

Price: $ 49.00
Kaffir Lime Leaf Pound

Fresh Kaffir Lime Leaf by the Pound. Kaffir lime leaves freeze well or can also be dried for longer storage. Fresh kaffir lime leaves properly stored in a plastic bag stay fresh in the vegetable bin for about one week. Freeze for up to one year, with no need to defrost before using or dry if desired. Because this fresh spice is rarely available in local retail stores or markets, stocking up and freezing it is a good idea. We think that our kaffir lime leaves are of particularly high quality, the leaves being big and thick.

During the winter season, fresh kaffir lime leaf will only be shipped on Mondays. Please see our fresh produce shipping terms for more details before ordering this perishable item.

Also see Kaffir Lime Leaves by the ounce and Whole Kaffir Lime Fruit.


Availability: Ships in 2-3 business days from Los Angeles, California.

Category: Fresh Produce

SKU: 8300000348