Canned Food
Coconut Milk, Chaokoh, 13.5 fl oz
Coconut milk (nohm gkati in Thai) is an essential ingredient for Thai curry, soup, and sweets. Convenient, healthy, and delicious, keep canned coconut milk in your Thai pantry. This 16oz can is the most commonly called for size in Thai recipes.
Coconut Milk, Mae Ploy, 19 fl oz
Coconut milk (nohm gkati in Thai) is an essential ingredient for Thai curry, soup, and sweets. Mae Ploy brand is especially good for for Thai recipes calling for coconut cream. Coconut milk in the can is convenient, healthy (cholesterol free), and delicious.
Straw Mushrooms, Dayat, 15 oz
Straw Mushrooms (เห็ดฟาง het fang in Thai) are a favorite addition to clear Thai soups like Tom Yum. Brownish black, with high domed pointed caps, these mushrooms add an exotic Asian touch to your meal.
Bamboo Shoots Strips in Water, Chaokoh, 20 oz
Bamboo Shoots Strips (naw my in Thai) are ivory colored shoots from the young bamboo plant and have a mild crispy texture. Rinse these slices in water before adding to soups and stir-fries.
Young Baby Corn, Aroy-D, 15 oz
Young Baby Corn (cut in brine) is a colorful and tasty addition to stir-fries, soups and raw in salads. Simply drain and rinse before adding at the last minute to your wok-fried dish.
Banana Blossom in Brine, Aroy-D, 19.0 fl oz
Banana Blossoms are the tender white hearts of the banana flower. Banana Blossoms are a part of Thai, Vietnamese and Filipino cuisine and are used as a vegetable. They are used mainly in salads and soups.
Water Chestnuts, Maling, 20.0 oz
Water Chestnuts are a bulb-like walnut-sized vegetable that grows in water. To prepare, slice for stir-frying or mince for stuffings. In Thailand, Thap Thim Krawp is a favorite icy dessert made with water chestnuts.
Salted Black Olives, Product of China, 20 oz
Salted Black Olives are used in Thai cooking for Fried Rice with Chinese Black Olives (Kao Pad Nahm Liap) and also as a salty accompaniment to rice soup.
Palm Seeds in Syrup (Whole), Chaokoh, 10 oz
Toddy Palm Seed from Chaokoh (look dtahn in Thai) is a clear and crunchy seed used for making Thai desserts. Serve over crushed ice and syrup or top your favorite ice cream for a delicious Asian dessert.
Young Jackfruit, Chaokoh, 10 oz
Young Jackfruit (kanoon awn in Thai) goes well with many kinds of food like curry or Thai-style spicy salad.
Grass Jelly, AC, 19 oz
Grass Jelly (known as Chao Guay) is natural black jelly can be found in China, Hong Kong and many countries in South East Asia. It is popular dessert and drink among Thais. Putting crushed ice and syrup is the best way to eat this jelly.
Attap Fruit, Chaokoh, 23 oz
Attap Fruit (look dtao in Thai) is perfect for topping your favorite ice cream or mixed with crushed ice and flavored syrups like Hale's Blue Boy.
Sugar Cane in Syrup, Chaokoh, 20.0 oz
Sugar Cane in syrup from Chaokoh brand is well-selected sugar cane original from Thailand. This can be eaten as normal fruit. Sweet and juicy taste is excellent for eating in hot season.
Pickled Mustard Greens (2pkg), Pigeon, 5.0 oz
Import from Thailand,pickled mustard greens usually eaten with rice soup, Thai salad or Kanom Jean as side dishes. It's very easy to prepare, just slice into strips before eating.
Pickled Hot & Sour Mustard Greens (2 pkg), Pigeon, 5.0 oz
Pickled Hot and Sour Mustard Greens (called gai choy or kiam cai ) from Pigeon Brand often eaten with rice soup or used as a vegetable accompaniment. This Mustard Greens are very popular amongst vegetarians with various kind of recipes like pickled hot and sour mustard greens spicy salad ot stir-fried with other vegetables.
Fermented Mixed Vegetable Pickle (2pkg), Pigeon, 2x5 oz
Thai Fermented Mixed Vegetables in the can from Pigeon brand is a mixed pickle of cucumber, pahk gaht, ginger, seasoned with sugar and soy sauce. It is usually eaten with rice soup in Thailand and is widely available throughout the country, being considered to be standard daily fare.
Young Coconut Meat, Aroy-D, 15 oz
Young coconut meat is the inside flesh of the immature green coconut. It is used for desserts in Thailand. Sweet, soft and smooth this snowy white colored meat is a tropical delight.Try making a smoothie with young coconut meat.
Red Curry Soup (Kaeng Ped), Aroy-D, 14 oz
Red Curry Soup (Kaeng Ped) makes a quick meal when you are too busy to cook. Add pork, chicken or other protein if desired. Serve over steamed jasmine rice. Add fresh chili peppers if desired.
Green Curry (Kaeng Keow Wan), Aroy-D, 14 oz
This prepared Green Curry (Kaeng Keow Wan) is ready to eat right out of the can. Simply heat to enjoy an exotic meal after work. Add chicken or seafood if desired. Serve over jasmine rice.
Masaman Curry Soup, Aroy-D, 14 oz
This aromatic Masaman Curry Soup is fragrant with Indian spices. Enjoy spooned over steamed jasmine rice. Add beef or tofu if desired.
Rambutan in Syrup, Aroy-D or Chaokoh, 20 oz
Rambutans (เงาะ ngo in Thai) are one of Thailand's most wonderful fruits. Just chill and serve for a healthy dessert, snack, or breakfast. High in Vitamin C.
Rambutan with Pineapple, Aroy-D or Chaokoh, 20 oz
Try Rambutan Stuffed with Pineapple for an exotic conclusion to a Thai meal. Simply chill and eat. So simple to prepare you will find it excellent any time of day.
Jackfruit in Syrup, Aroy-D or Chaokoh, 20 oz
Jackfruit (kanoon in Thai) is one of Thailands most delicous fruits. But if you cannot visit the tropics, why not enjoy this exotic fruit at home simply and inexpensively. Simply chill and eat.
Longan in Syrup, Aroy-D or Chaokoh, 20 oz
Longan fruit (lam yai in Thai) is wonderful chilled and served simply in a glass bowl with a spoon for dessert or as a snack.
Lychee in Syrup, Aroy-D or Chaokoh, 20 oz
Lychees are only available one time of the year in Thailand. The rest of the year you can enjoy them canned. Enjoy this delicious and exotic fruit anytime. Just chill, open, and serve.
Mangosteen in Syrup, Aroy-D, 20 oz
Imported from Thailand, Aroy-D's canned mangosteen is a soft, sweet, and tasty. Regarded in Thailand as the "Queen of fruits", the mangosteen is an exotic delicacy that's not to be missed.
Boxed Coconut Milk, Aroy-D, 8.5 fl oz
Aroy-D UHT (ultra high-temperature) Coconut Milk can be used for making your favorite Thai dishes, desserts, and drinks. This type of high heat treated coconut milk is homogenous, and does not separate much, even when refrigerated. This UHT coconut milk is 100% pure coconut milk with no preservatives added.
Boxed Coconut Milk, Aroy-D, 33.8 fl oz
This larger-sized UHT box Coconut Milk from Aroy-D is 4 times the size of the smaller Aroy-D box coconut milk. It can be stored at room temperature for up to one year, making it a convenient choice for Thai cooking. Once opened it must be refrigerated and used up quickly or frozen for longer storage.
Boxed Coconut Cream, Aroy-D, 33.8 fl oz
Coconut Cream packaged in a UHT box from Aroy-D brand, Thailand is a convenient pantry item for your Thai kitchen. Use it in any recipe calling for coconut cream.
Coconut Cream, Kara, 16.9 fl oz
Coconut cream is the heavy part of coconut milk, separated out to make rich, creamy recipes. Kara brand coconut cream provides authentic flavor to curries, ice cream, cakes and other dishes where coconut cream is required.
Coconut Cream, Kara, 33.8 oz
Coconut cream is the thick, creamy part of coconut milk, separated out to make more rich recipes. Kara brand coconut cream provides authentic flavor to curries, ice cream, cakes and other dishes where coconut cream is required.
Sapota (Lamut) in Syrup, Aroy-D, 20 oz
As a tropical delight, Sapota (Lamut ละมุด in Thai) has a sweet taste. Simply chill and eat. So simple to prepare you will find it excellent to eat at anytime of the day.
Salacca Fruit in Syrup, AC, 11 oz
Enjoy this exotic Thai fruit, Salacca Fruit in Syrup. Just chill, open, and serve.
Thai Coconut Milk (6pkg), Chaokoh, 6x13.5 oz
Coconut milk (nohm gkati in Thai) is an essential ingredient for Thai curry, soup, and sweets. Convenient, healthy, and delicious, keep canned coconut milk in your Thai pantry.
Thai Coconut Milk (6pkg) , Mae Ploy, 6x19 oz
Coconut milk (nahm gkati in Thai) is an essential ingredient for Thai cooking. Mae Ploy brand is of the highest quality and is especially recommended for Thai recipes calling for coconut cream (skim the top rich fat milk from the top of the can). Coconut milk in the can is convenient, healthy (cholesterol free), and delicious. Buy in bulk and save.
Thai Straw Mushrooms (6pkg), Dayat, 6x15 oz
Straw Mushrooms are popular in Asian cuisine and are a favorite addition Thai Tom Yum Soup. Brownish black, with pointed high-domed caps, this type of mushroom is delicious, yet low in calories. Buy in bulk and save.
Mangosteen in Syrup (6pkg), Aroy-D, 6x20 oz
Mangosteen is regarded in Thailand as the Queen of Fruits. Unfortunately it is not permitted fresh into the USA (unless irradiated). Therefore to enjoy this exotic tropical fruit, the best way may be canned. Buy in bulk and save.
Lychee in Syrup (6pkg), Aroy-D or Chaokoh, 6x20 oz
Available only one time of year, from the North of Thailand, exotic lychee fruit is a much awaited for seasonal delicacy in Thailand. This beautiful red fruit with snowy white inside is juicy and sweet and is a welcome gift. It is surprisingly delicious canned. Refrigerate to chill before serving for best taste. Buy in bulk and save.
Thai Red Curry (6pkg), Aroy-D, 6x14 oz
Red Curry from Aroy-D brand Thailand is a ready-to-eat canned convenient Thai curry. To prepare, simply heat and serve with Thai jasmine rice. If desired add vegetables like pumpkin, squash, canned bamboo shoots and any type of meat or tofu. Season with Thai fish sauce to taste. Buy in bulk and save.
Thai Green Curry (6pkg), Aroy-D, 14 oz
Green Curry (kaeng keow wan in Thai) is a ready-to-eat canned curry from Aroy-D brand Thailand. Simply heat to enjoy a quick meal after work or school. If desired, add chicken or seafood. Serve over Thai jasmine rice or noodles (even spaghetti). Buy in bulk and save.
Thai Mussaman Curry (6pkg), Aroy-D, 6x14 oz
Mussaman Curry from Aroy-D is ready to eat right out of the can, just heat and serve over Thai jasmine rice. Add vegetables like potato, sweet potato or any type of meat if desired. Buy in bulk and save.
Thai Tom Yum Soup (6pkg), Aroy-D, 6x14 oz
This Tom Yum Soup from Aroy-D brand Thailand can be eaten right out of the can. Simply heat to enjoy a fast meal after work or school. Add any type of meat or mushrooms if desired. Buy in bulk and save.
Coconut Cream (2 x 6.8 oz), Kara, 13.6 oz
Coconut cream is the thick, creamy part of coconut milk, separated out to make more tasting rich dishes. Kara brand coconut cream provides authentic flavor to curries, ice cream, cakes and other dishes where coconut cream is required.